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Eways Terms and Conditions

§ 1 EWAYS public charging service (”Charging service”)
1. EWAYS offers charging of electric cars to the public at its own charging stations and at charging stations as a third party connected to EWAYS ’public network of charging stations by opening them for public use.

2. The provisions of these terms and conditions that aim at the Charging Service and the customer’s use of the EWAYS charging card (ie purchase and payment of charging) include charging at the EWAYS charging stations network.

§ 2 The charging card
1. To access the Charging Service and to be able to use EWAYS charging stations, a separate charging card is required. The charging card is obtained by registering a registration at eways.se

2. EWAYS may conduct customary credit checks on potential customers.

3. EWAYS sends the card to the customer after approval. EWAYS reserves the right to refuse the issuance of a charge card.

4. The charging card is only valid at the charging stations that are part of the EWAYS charging network.

5. The cost for each charging occasion is registered on the holder of the charging card, ie. use of the Charging Service is considered at every opportunity as a recognition of charging and the conclusion of an agreement on the purchase of charging between the customer and charging station owners connected to EWAYS.

6. The card is a document of value. The customer undertakes to store the charging card well so that unauthorized persons do not have access to it. Should the charging card be lost, the holder must contact EWAYS customer service as soon as possible on telephone 010-121 94 00. EWAYS will then block the charging card and send out a new charging card free of charge. If unauthorized transactions have been made with the charging card, the Customer must make a report to the Police.

§ 3 Equipment and use of EWAYS charging stations
1. The customer is responsible for, where necessary, providing a Mode 3 Type 2 cable for AC charging at stations with Mode 3 Type 2 sockets. EWAYS fast charging stations always have fixed cables.

2. The respective charging station owners within the EWAYS network are responsible for ensuring that the charging stations comply with applicable standards, laws and regulations.

3. The charging capacity depends on several factors, such as the technical conditions of the electric car, the charge level of the car battery and the capacity of the charging station, of which the component with the lowest capacity will be decisive for the power the electric car can absorb. EWAYS can therefore not guarantee that charging of an electric car will be possible within a maximum specified time limit or with a certain minimum power.

4. Instructions on how to use EWAYS charging stations can be found on or in connection with the charging stations.

§ 4 Availability
1. The charging service is available to the Customer around the clock, but in practice the possibility of charging can be limited, for example, by certain charging stations not being accessible at certain times due to special restrictions. In some cases, a valid third-party parking permit is required.

2. EWAYS strives to ensure that charging stations in the EWAYS network are as functional as possible. Should the charging station suffer from a technical fault, EWAYS will try to rectify the fault as soon as possible.

3. EWAYS reserves the right, without compensation to the Customer, to change, restrict access to, or shut down the Charging Service or charging station for, for example, updates, maintenance and error correction or as a result of force majeure conditions beyond EWAYS control.

§ 5 Payment
1. Use of the Charging Service in the form of charging history is saved for the registered charging card. Based on the charging history, the cost that the Customer must pay is calculated. In some cases, such as when charging in a locked garage, for example in a condominium, the customer can choose to charge without a charging card. Charging history is still saved in the EWAYS system.

Payment for completed charging is made in arrears by debiting the amount on the payment or credit card that the Customer has registered with EWAYS when ordering. EWAYS uses the Stripe payment service, which accepts MasterCard, VISA and American Express. The invoice amount is generally charged to the user’s credit card on the 5th of the month, but no later than the 15th of the month after the invoice is created. Objections to debiting must be submitted by the user within eight weeks after the debiting has been completed. The user’s legal claims remain unaffected by this.

3. The data below is required for registration of payment or credit card and is required for payment of the charging fees arising from use at charging stations. When registering a payment or credit card, the following information is required:
– E-mail address for receipt documents
– Information about payment method
– First name of credit card holder
– Surname of credit card holder
– Full address (for dispatch of charge cards)
– Credit institutions
– Credit card number
– Credit card check number
– Validity date

4. The customer is liable to pay to EWAYS for all use of the Charging Service carried out with the Charging Card. (However, the customer is not responsible for the use of the Charging Service that took place after the customer reported the charging card as lost to EWAYS in accordance with section 2. However, this does not apply if the customer through fraudulent conduct or negligence has contributed to the unauthorized use.)

5. Payment must be received by EWAYS no later than the due date specified in the monthly report. When invoicing, EWAYS has the right to charge a reasonable fee according to EWAYS at the current price list.

6. If payment is not made on time, EWAYS has the right to demand from the Customer, in addition to the invoice amount, interest in accordance with the Interest Act (1975: 635) from the due date stated in the invoice and compensation for the costs associated with the delay. This also includes costs for a written payment reminder and costs for enforcement of a payment or other obligation.

7. EWAYS also has the right to suspend a Customer for the time being if the payment terms are not met. (See also § 9 Validity of the Agreement)

8. The service must be terminated by the customer sending an email to helpdesk@eways.se. Termination of the service takes place at the earliest next month’s end. EWAYS has the right to charge the customer if the Customer has forgotten to cancel the service, for example after moving out.

§ 6 Consumption data and personal data
1. EWAYS will save charge history for each Customer (which includes, for example, information about which charging station has been used, electricity taken, amount and time of use of the Charging Service.) The charge history is the basis for debiting or invoicing the Customer.

2. Personal data and data linked to the Customer’s use of the Charging Service and charging stations will be processed and stored by EWAYS, other Group companies or EWAYS’s partners in accordance with applicable law and to the extent necessary for administration and performance of the agreement with the Customer and related services. .

3. Information obtained will also be processed in connection with business and product development, statistics, market and customer analyzes and direct marketing (provided that the customer has not reported to EWAYS that he opposes direct marketing). This treatment is based on EWAYS’s legitimate interest. Information collected is saved during the time the Customer has an active agreement with us and thereafter for the time necessary to finalize his contractual relationship with EWAYS

4. Personal data are not normally provided to companies in countries outside the EU or the EEA area. If this still happens, EWAYS ensures that all legal conditions are met

5. The customer can receive information once a year free of charge on how personal data concerning the customer is processed. The customer can also request that personal data that has not been processed in accordance with current legislation be corrected, blocked or deleted.

Data protection representatives for EWAYS AB can be reached via email helpdesk@eways.se.

§ 7 Liability for errors etc.
1. EWAYS is not liable for damages that arise due to lack of compatibility between the Customer’s car and charging station, or due to the Customer using the Charging Service or the charging station in violation of current instructions and technical requirements, as stated in this agreement or as EWAYS otherwise made available to the Customer.

2. EWAYS is not liable for indirect damages or consequential damages attributable to damage to the Customer’s property and which arise as a result of the Customer’s use of the Charging Service or the charging station.

3. The customer is not entitled to damages due to a charging station being shut down or out of order.

4. The customer is responsible for following all guidelines and requirements in accordance with the instructions given by EWAYS from time to time. This includes responsibility for the electric car that the Customer uses in connection with the Charging Service meeting all requirements for charging.

5. The customer is also responsible for ensuring that the charging card cannot be used or used by unauthorized persons.

6. EWAYS reserves the right to block the Charging Card with immediate effect in the event of misuse, if there is a risk of unsafe use of the charging card or charging tray, suspicion of unauthorized use or risk that the Customer does not fulfill its obligations to EWAYS.

§ 8 Contract transfer
1. The customer agrees that EWAYS may, subject to unchanged terms, transfer all or part of its rights and obligations under this agreement to another company within the same group or to another party that can reasonably be expected to fulfill the obligations under the agreement in a satisfactory manner.

2. The customer does not have the right to transfer all or part of his rights or obligations under the agreement to another in whole or in part.

§ 9 Validity of the agreement
These terms and conditions apply until further notice. EWAYS has the right to terminate this agreement with immediate effect if the Customer violates these terms of the agreement or uses the Charging Service or a charging station in such a way that inconvenience or damage arises for EWAYS or EWAYS partners.

§ 10 Change of conditions
EWAYS has the right to change these terms and conditions, provided that the customer is notified by e-mail of the change at least two months before the change takes effect. In such cases, the customer shall be deemed to have been notified two days after the e-mail has been sent.

§ 11 Dispute
Disputes concerning the application or interpretation of the agreement or related issues shall be resolved primarily through negotiation and agreement between the parties. Any dispute shall be decided by a general court, whereby Swedish law shall apply. Disputes can also be tried by the General Complaints Board.